Quick but lazy. Good at everything, but best at nothing. These scavengers take the worst from life and the best from death to make something that works. They are found everywhere from the nothingness that is the Spawning Ground -- where beauty is anything that won't kill you for looking at it -- to the seats at the tables in the Great Cavern of Lord Benock's own feast hall. Always a dagger or three at hand, they have mastered the art of both making and wearing the bones of the fallen.

Special Trick: -

PW - Weak BR - Average FA - Average

AG - Poor EV - Average MV - Average

ED - Average VT - Great ST - Weak

MI - Great PC - Average KN - Great

SP - Good WI - Poor FO - Good

Axe - Weak Book - Weak Bow - Weak Cross-Bow - Weak Dagger - Great Long-Claw - Weak
Mace - Weak Maul - Weak Sai - Weak Shuriken - Weak Staff - Average Sword - Weak
Bone-Link - Great Bone-Mail - Poor Bone-Plate - Poor Heavy-Leather - Poor Light-Hide - Poor Light-Leather - Poor
Robe - Poor Scale-Link - Poor Shell-Mail - Poor Shell-Plate - Poor Thick-Hide - Poor Tights - Poor
Aquatics - Average Astrology - Average Athletics - Average Entertain - Average Forge - Poor Imbue - Poor
Languages - Average Lore - Poor Medicine - Average Merchant - Great Poison - Average Refocus - Average
Servant - Good Stalking - Average Survival - Good Tact - Good Translocation - Weak Traps - Average
Aim - Poor Clarity - Poor Block - Poor Demoralize - Poor Dodge - Poor Keen Senses - Poor
Regeneration - Poor Resistance - Poor Toughness - Poor Wallop - Poor Zeal - Great


The page your viewing was last modified: Thu Apr 07 2011